Cloud Computing Service

Cloud Computing is basically changing how businesses make use of information technology. It is an infrastructure and software model that offers businesses with a facility to access the pool of data storage, networks, servers and applications.

Take your Business to Cloud and Transform the Operations Process

Hire ARM Infoway as your Cloud Computing partner and leverage cloud based networks for your organization in the best possible way. We guarantee increased productivity, lower downtime and keep you data safe with our on-point cloud computing services. We aim at reducing the stress of processing data and automating tasks.

Our Cloud Computing Models

SaaS - Software As A Service

Unlike the traditional methods of accessing a software, SaaS provides you with a facility to have new and alternative ways of accessing a software. In Layman terms, SaaS is an on-demand licensing software and is considered the most popular service model of Cloud Computing.

Disaster Recovery

Paas - Platform As A Service

With Platform As A Service by ARM, you get the facility to develop and deploy the software. We offer computing and storage infrastructure along with a development platform layer and components such as web servers, database management systems, and Software Development Kits.

DaaS - Desktop As A Service

DaaS is basically a multi-tenant delivery model that manages back-end responsibilities of data storage, backup, securities, and the upgrades. DaaS is the type of cloud computing service wherein the third party hosts the back-end of a virtual desktop infrastructure deployment.

IaaS - Infrastructure As A Service

With ARM Infoway, you are allowed to make the most out of this highly flexible cloud computing model. IaaS is considered as the backbone of cloud computing.

Let’s Transform Your Idea into Reality

Benefits of Cloud Computing



The best part about cloud is it maintains upscale as per requirements. This helps save money for the unused data, It offers a chance for businesses to increase or decrease resources depending on the business needs


Task Automation

In the cloud environment, automatic updating and API are really easy. As it enables the automation of repetitive tasks, it reduces a lot of work on the developer’s part.


Disaster Recovery

Once you migrate to cloud, it becomes easier to recover the data using cloud-based backup and recovery solutions. It basically saves the time and investment done for recovery operations.

Operations run books

Zero Risk Failure

Most of the cloud service providers offer 99% uptime and that offers zero chances of risk of failure. It automatically takes up workloads.



The cloud services offer quicker decision making, as it frees up the time and reduces the effort that is spent on infrastructure.

Why Choose Us?

We have a team of laravel developers with extensive experience and are already a leading brand in terms of quality of web development. We aim at delivering class apart software solutions to our customers for a seamless experience.

Quality Assured

24/7 Support

Customization Available

We Deliver. What We Promise.

Guaranteed Customer Satisfaction

We Deliver. What We Promise.

Have an idea? Work with us and see how it goes. We promise to go the extra mile for every project that we take onboard.

The first 7 days are on us with ZERO upfront investment.

Let’s Connect with the Experts

Hire Cloud Expert from ARM Infoway

At ARM Infoway, we are driven to help our clients succeed, therefore we offer extraordinary cloud computing services. Hire cloud expert from ARM and transform your business operations.